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Tips & Hacks for a Housefull Sunday!

Sundays are usually everyone’s favourite day of the week, for varying reasons. For some, it’s a day spent unwinding with some much-needed rest and relaxation, and for others, it’s an opportunity to engage in their favourite past-times and do the things they love.

There is however, one seemingly lost aspect of Sundays that many have either forgotten or have come to neglect.

It’s time spent with your family and friends.

Many of us will surely associate Sunday with warm memories of being surrounded by family and friends from near and far, all coming together to celebrate, usually with no other reason than the spirit of familial bonds and togetherness.  And at the heart of all this, would be an epic meal, decked with dishes reserved exclusively for these occasions. 

Unfortunately, the only people that would be missing out on all the celebrations would be the hosts themselves. Ironic isn’t it?

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

With the right kind of prepping and planning, you can have your cake and eat it too (literally). We’ve come up with a handy list of tips and hacks to make weekend get-togethers easy and enjoyable for everyone (hosts included)

1. Plan ahead

While it may seem like a no-brainer, planning ahead helps you avoid a lot of last-minute hassle. Things you should consider in advance include:

Lists are your best friend

2. Prep in advance, enjoy later

While cooking for a large group is by no means easy, I think we can all agree that prepping food is a monumental task all by itself (cutting onions…ugh)

Time saved prepping is time spent enjoying

Meat dishes generally don’t take as much time to prepare as vegetable-based dishes but when you’re cooking for a large crowd, every second counts.

With Licious Meats & Seafood, you get meat that’s cleaned, cut and free from wastage delivered right to your doorstep! So if you want to save yourself a trip to the market and avoid some tedious prep-work, this is the perfect solution.

Order truly delightful meats & seafood free from offals and wastage

3. Marinate. Marinate. Marinate.

No matter how much you plan in advance, last-minute hiccups are part and parcel of almost any cookout.

Out of this, either running out of food or having too much are two of the most common situations that you can expect to be in.

Marinating meat that’s prepped for meat dishes can help to solve for this. If and when required, you can just pop it out of the fridge and cook instantly.

Marinate now. Relax later.

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of marinating meat, check out our a delicious range Ready to Cook meats and seafood that you can prepare straight out of the pack.

To make things even simpler, we’ve created special platters that are perfect for occasions like these, and if you haven’t already, do check out our new range of Kebabs, that include crowd-favourites like Lucknowi Mutton Galouti Kebab and Purani Dilli Ki Mutton Seekh Kebab

Check out our delicious Ready to Cook range now

4. Play it cool

Keep things chill with a cold cut spread

Rule of thumb: If the fussiest kid in the party is going to love it, everyone’s going to love it

One of the most time-efficient ways to plan for a spread is to incorporate a cold-cut spread. They’re pretty easy to serve up and they don’t require any heating up, which means they go straight from the pack into the plate.

You’d be hard-pressed to find somebody who doesn’t love cold-cuts and for good reason. They’re delicious, go with almost any side and most importantly, don’t take any time to prepare!

Check out our range of delicious Cold Cuts