Delicious recipes made with Licious fresh meats!- Page 81 of 83

Explore our range of delicious meaty recipes. And remember, always start with the freshest meat from Licious! Your dish is sure to be a hit.


Play The Meatball Well

If there is one meat dish that can be called homely and exotic at the same time is – meatballs. This humble dish is so popular around the globe that 9th March is celebrated as World Meatball Day. Italians and Americans serve meatballs with spaghetti, while most of the Asian […]

Ways To Enjoy Cold Cuts

Food excites and satiates, tingles and makes us drool. When it comes to meats, all of the flavors and tastes and textures are too overwhelming to resist. Meats are experimental and cold cuts especially so. Versatile, eaten on the go and complementing any kind of cuisine, cold cuts make for […]