Search Results for "Frankfurter"

Christmas, the Continental Way!

With drinks galore, food aplenty, and loved ones around, it’s hard not to love the holiday time. The season brings with it loads of good times and yummy food. A classic continental dinner is often the highlight of the day. Here’s a continental meal plan with recipes to help you […]

Ways To Enjoy Cold Cuts

Food excites and satiates, tingles and makes us drool. When it comes to meats, all of the flavors and tastes and textures are too overwhelming to resist. Meats are experimental and cold cuts especially so. Versatile, eaten on the go and complementing any kind of cuisine, cold cuts make for […]

Hot (for) Dog!

It’s one of the world’s most famous and beloved fast foods. Most commonly served with ketchup and mustard and sometimes with onions and mayonnaise, this sausage in a bun is known in almost every part of the world today. The methods of cooking it vary from extremely simple recipes (like […]

The Magnificent Machismo of Meat

Meat, in general is quite beloved among people. Most meat lovers eat kilos of meat every year. That’s a lot of muscle, and it’s laden with meaning—in terms of human evolution, social habits and modern marketing. Men, on average, consume more meat than women. Paul Rozin, a University of Pennsylvania […]