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Mughlai Magic

The Muslims from Western Asia brought their rich artistic and gastronomic culture to India. This influence lasted for more than 400 years and is now an integral part of the fabric of the Indian culinary culture. The two colliding cultures resulted in a magnificent cuisine called the Mughlai Cuisine. The […]


Don’t we all just love a good sandwich? Is there a more convenient comfort food. Among all the inventions which have made our life easier over the years, the sandwich is bound to be near the top. Who can escape the allure and convenience of smoked turkey ham with some […]

Malayali Marvels – A Boon From The Backwaters

One of the most unique and beloved styles of Indian Cuisine is the one served up by the Malayalis. Every foodie loves the fabulous food coming out of the coconut lined coast of Kerala. The cuisine of Kerala is linked to its history, geography, demography and culture. It offers a […]

Red, White and Blue (Crab)

Crab meat is one of the most succulent and delicious varieties of all the available meats in the world. In fact, it’s near the very top of many of the world’s finest Chefs and Food Critics’ list. Crabs are high in protein and are also a good source of niacin, […]

Lamb Love: A Poetry Of Protein

Percy Bysshe Shelley (He of Ode To The Westwind and To a Skylark  fame) was a young, idealistic poet whose beliefs often set him at odds with the rest of British society in the early 19th century. He was an atheist who got kicked out of university for being a […]

Chicken – Who Ate It First?

Chicken is ubiquitous across the plates of almost all kinds of cuisines across the globe. Its beautiful tenderness is appreciated in a myriad of ways. Its white goodness serves almost every kind of non-vegetarian palate. Looking at the culinary popularity of chicken today, it may come as a surprise to […]

Wazwan – The Other Wonder Of The Valley

If There’s Heaven on Earth, It’s Here, It’s Here, It’s Here! If you have ever been to Kashmir or atleast seen a few pictures of it, chances are that your thoughts will echo that of The Fourth Mughal Emperor of India, Jahangir. For centuries, Kashmir has been hailed as the […]

Just Wing It!

Don’t we all love Buffalo Chicken Wings? Dripping with our favourite sauce and satiating the taste buds with every bite, like nothing else in the world. Few of us realize, though, that less than 50 years ago, wings were considered one of the least desirable cuts of the chicken—a throwaway part […]

Game of Bones

Can the bones still be useful even after we have eaten all the meat off them? – Bran That’s the only time the bones can be useful. – Three-eyed Chef How? You might ask. Well, we are here to tell you about the magic of the Food Stock. Every time […]


Aaaah…lamb. Such a delectable taste for so humble a creature. Lamb is a very versatile meat and it’s succulent excellence can be indulged in a variety of different ways. In the 17th Century,  Steakhouses in London started cooking different sections of meat and the incredible idea of cooking different cuts […]


Episode II – The Modern Marvels The Old Guard made a glorious stand yesterday. Now the Battle rages on to its final stage as the YoungBloods of the sauce world draw their proverbial line in the sand! The following are their Weapons of Mass Satisfaction: Chimichurri . This Argentinian sauce […]


Just like the famous duo of Sherlock Homes and Dr. Watson, or the hilarious Tom and Jerry, sometimes things work best in pairs. Even if you decide to fly solo, like Sheldon Cooper, you would still have to give into a chemistry of another kind. Whether its gastronomic, or Amy […]