Search Results for "Iron Rich Food"

The Pomfret Parable

Pomfret has a light texture and sweet, rich flavour. It has a high content of good fats, thereby getting the name, butterfish. It is a great source of calcium, vitamins A and D, and B vitamins, including Vitamin B12, vital for the nervous system. It also offers iodine, critical for […]

Quack for the Attack

The Delectable Duck has recently made a triumphant return to our catalogue. It’s one of the tastiest, healthiest and most versatile meats out there. If you are unfamiliar with it, you might wonder, why the duck should I eat it? Well, aside from the fact that it oozes a large […]

Ro-Who? Ro­-Why? Ro­-How?

Ahh, the Rohu. If you are from Bengal, Bihar, Orissa or Uttar Pradesh and you eat fish, chances are that your childhood went, Fish = Rohu, Rohu = Fish. This glorious member of the carp family has serenaded the sensations of generations of Indian Ichthyophiles. It is just that good. […]